B4E Team

2008: 參加Google舉辦的Android Development Challenge 獲獎,我們希望創造對社會有益的創新軟體與服務,同時也對產業經濟產生助益。B4E's vision is to create the value for everyone and the society. If you have any question, We can be reached at Android.B4E@gmail.com

2008年9月1日 星期一

B4E's solution can create the benefits for the stakeholders.

B4E's solution can broadcast coupons and NPO's or NGO's messages for donation on Google Android phones.
We can create the benefits for the following organizations:
1. Wireless Carriers
2. non-profit organizations and non-government organizations
3. coupon portals
4. advertisement agents
5. media purchasers

If you are interested in B4E, please contact us at Android.B4E@gmail.com
1. 行動網路運營商
2. 非營利組織、非政府組織
3. 折價券入口網
4. 網路廣告代理商
5. 媒體採購者